It is important to pay close attention to the warnings that hopefully will be broadcast on TV and the internet if a natural disaster is possible. It is unbelievable the number of people that ignore this information. If you are asked to evacuate the area do so as quickly and calmly as you can. Rescue efforts may not be available for those that remain behind. It is a good idea to have a battery powered radio that you can carry with you to continue listening to the instructions as you are traveling.

A small first aid kit with essential items can be useful because you never know when someone will be injured as a result of a natural disaster. Do your best to clean the injury and prevent infection until proper medical care can be received for the individual. Many people worry about their pets during a natural disaster but you may not be able to keep them with you during that time. If possible though store food for them as well so that you won’t be sharing the food you stored for your family with them.