Survival Gear Man

DIY: How to Make a Debris Hut Shelter for Survival in the Wilderness
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Are You Prepared For A Natural Disaster?
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Alleviating Suffering
When we see real and unavoidable suffering all around us—on television and even within our own communities and families—we may experience helplessness or guilt. We know that these two responses do not serve others yet we don’t know what else to do sometimes. It may...
15,000 Non-GMO Heirloom Vegetable Seeds
One of the best skills that any prepper could have is gardening. Having your own survival garden means that you’ll have vegetables growing at your doorstep that you can cook and eat. During times of a pandemic, you could move to the countryside and grow your own food....
A Mental Wilderness Survival Kit
A survival kit should be carried by anyone who goes deep into the wilderness. What should be in it? Matches, a blade of some sort, and first aid supplies are among the usual recommendations. When you read the true stories of survival, though, you start to see that it...
Basic Gear For Your Next Outdoor Adventure?
Having the right survival camping gear can literally mean the difference between life and death when you find yourself in a sticky situation far from civilization. It definitely pays to be prepared. Before you head out on your next adventure, stock up on all of the...